How do I play the game? What do I do?

Excellent question! To start, you will want to find either a pre-written case or a case template to create your own case. Next, find players to fill in each position (prosecution, defense, co-defense, judge, witnesses, etc.). Once you have gathered the required players and found a vacant courtroom, you can begin your case!

Still finding it confusing? There are various communities in AO that organize cases regularly; you need only find and watch (or even join) a case to get an idea of how the game works.

Cases can last around 5 to 6 hours.

Is this the famous online casemaker?

We are not to be confused with the similarly named Ace Attorney Online. Whereas AAO only offers pre-scripted cases, AO boasts the ability to do live, off-the-cuff cases in a courtroom drama environment.

I’m missing characters/backgrounds/music! How do I download more content?

Each server may have their own unique content pack that they use. If you look in the server description in the lobby, you can find a link to their downloads to get the pack.

"bass.dll is missing"

This is a known issue with Microsoft Edge: you may be attempting to run the game from the browser cache. You must extract the archive to a folder of your choosing, such as your desktop.

Why is it detected as a virus?

Add an exception to your antivirus. False positives are very common on small software like ours, as most antivirus software these days use a reputation-based system.

I can't connect to the master server!

Check your firewall, or try the newest version of AO.

How do I make my own server so that I can make private cases?

Read the "How to Server" guide.

How do I open ZIP or RAR files?

Please download 7-Zip.

Panic! Nothing works!

Contact us on Discord.


7-Zip Share Icon

We recommend using 7-Zip for extracting .rar and .zip files!

How to Server Guide Share Icon

If you are wanting to start up your own server, we recommend using the how-to server guide.

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For any other specific queries, the Discord server is always open!

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Older updates and change logs can be found here.

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The official reference for creating custom content.

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